Snoopy's Sydney Sojourn

First, I'm an engineer, not an artist, so these pages are strictly utilitarian; I don't have a creative bone in my body...

Pictures taken with a Casio QV-10A digital camera on loan from a cow-orker, James Sutton. Web page generated by "xv" and "vi" under BSD/OS.

Snoopy's custom kennel. Yes, my cubicle is always that untidy...

Snoopy and his favourite Tele-tubbie.

This fine fellow is the current keeper - me. Yes, I'm squinting, because that sun was !@#$% bright...

Snoopy, me, and my 4WD (SUV) - a Kia Sportage, for those who care. Yes, the "nudge bar" is slightly bent; driving home in the rain one afternoon, the bloke in front stopped suddenly, and I didn't... Now, I was quite happy to exchange particulars/blows/blowjobs etc, but he took off fast (plainly he had no desire to see the cops) and I got lumbered with "negligent driving". At least I wiped out the back of his car.

No, not a Fender Stratocaster, but a clone thereof. It's a bugger playing those riffs when you have no fingers...

... but Woodstock seems to cope with the keyboard.

CQ DX de K9P...

Snoopy's fixing the 4WD's engine. Yeah, the illumination's awful.

Oops - I told him to check the bonnet stay!

Sydney Opera House, from across the harbour (I wasn't about to pay the $2.20 toll).

I found a secluded viewpoint, but this camera had other ideas about exposure etc. You're supposed to be able to see a large ferry crossing right to left, and a yacht left to right. Sodding smart cameras...

Kirribilli House - the Sydney residence of our beloved (not!) Prime Minister.

I talked a nice Federal cop into holding Snoopy for me. I don't think I want to know where his thumb is...

Yes, the Sydney Harbour Bridge (the one that Snoopy never got to climb last year; thanks, Mel). Do you realise how sodding big it is? To get back far enough to see the entire thing, you had to mingle with tourons, so instead I opted for a down-underneath angle shot.

And of course, every Down-Under visitor has to wear an Akubra hat...

And of course, what ListMember doesn't have a Darwin Fish upon the back of their car?

I have a thing about bridges. The Mooney Mooney bridge (technically, Twin Bridges over Mooney Mooney Creek) is a famous site on Sydney's Central Coast. At 485m long and 185m high, it's the longest single span bridge in the world.

I have a thing about trains too; this is Gosford Railway Station - scene of a near-Cleansing a while back. Note the two Ferric Avatars lurking in the background...

After a hard day's work, what better than a nice cold can of beer? Tooheys Old is my (and Snoopy's) favourite poison.